Saints Oils

When petitioning for the aid of Catholic Saints, or invoking their aid in mystical rites, it is customary to set lights or dress holy candles to the saints. These oils can also be use to dress holy candles with an appropriate ritual oil, containing genuine herbs and oils deemed appropriate to the saints with whom they work.  Use them to dress candles, amulets, and holy medals. Oils for external use only.

Michael Archangel is venerated as a saint by Christians but is beloved by other spiritual traditions too, where he is venerated as an angel. Beloved by Pagans, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and the unaffiliated, his name means “Who Is Like the Lord.” Statement or question? Michael, as head of the Lord’s army, crushed the rebellious fallen angels. Legend has it that if Lucifer could only have persuaded Michael to join him, Heaven would have been overthrown. Michael is one of only two angels named in the Old Testament. With Michael as an escort, there is nothing to fear. He may be requested to provide this service as needed.Call on Michael when you are feeling afraid in any way. He can help you feel safe and bring you the courage you need to move forward toward your desired goals. Michael also assists in cleansing negative energies from any person, place or situation.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Gabriel, the Angel of the Annunciation, advised of the imminent births of Jesus and John the Baptist. Tabriel is traditionally considered the guardian of those born under the zodiac sign Cancer, but may have dominion over the other water signs, Pisces and Scorpio, as well. He is the patron of ambassadors, diplomats, postal workers, philatelists, astrologers, dreamers, remote viewers, mediums, messengers, and those who work in the public relations, broadcasting, and remote sensing industries.Call on Gabriel to assist with you with any kind of communication, whether it is talking openly with a loved one or speaking your truth. He also assists writers, journalists, and artists in getting their messages out to the world.

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Raphael, Regent of the Sun, is the archangel of healing. His name may be translated as Healer of the Lord, The Lord’s Remedy, or The Lord Heals. Like his compatriots the archangels Michael and Gabriel, Raphael is considered a saint by all branches of Christianity that acknowledge saints. He is beloved as an angel by Jews, Muslims, and angel devotees following every spiritual path. He performs miraculous cures and explains how to vanquish powerful demons. Raphael can reputedly heal any illness, ailment, or condition, but his specialties have historically included blindness and vision problems, whether literal or metaphoric. He relieves and heals mental illness and banishes nightmares. In addition to healing, Raphael is the angel of joy, love, and compassion. He supervises personal guardian angels.You can call on Raphael when you are physically ill or injured or send him to the side of anyone who is in need of healing.

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Michael, Raphael and Gabriel are the archangels of the Latin Catholic tradition. But according to Coptic Christians of Eritrea and the Jewish tradition, there is yet another one Archangel Uriel.According to apocryphal Gospels, Uriel helped save St. John the Baptist, from the slaughter ordered by Herod. According to another tradition, Uriel led John the Baptist, and his mother St. Elizabeth to Egypt.This reportedly inspired Leonardo da Vinci to paint his famous piece titled “The Virgin of the Rocks.”  Uriel means “God is my light and is known as the angel of wisdom. He shines the light of God’s truth into the darkness of confusion. People sometimes ask for Uriel’s help to: seek God’s will before making decisions, come up with fresh creative ideas, learn new information, solve problems, resolve conflicts, let go of destructive emotions such as anxiety and anger that can prevent them from discerning wisdom, and recognize dangerous situations so they can try to avoid them.Uriel is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information, practical solutions and creative insight, but he is very subtle.  You may not even realize he has answered your prayer until you've suddenly come up with a brilliant new idea.He is the wise angel who sheds light on all darkness. When you are feeling depressed, angry, victimized, or confused, call on Uriel. He will come and pour his golden light over you and help you release anger, unforgiveness, and any other negative emotions that may be clouding your vision and judgment. He will help you find peace and answers.  

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Saint Anthony is renowned in folk Catholicism as a tireless provider of miracles. He has developed something of a reputation as a witch doctor and is invoked in countless magic spells. His special gift is locating lost items. He may be invoked on behalf of anyone or anything that is lost, ranging from misplaced keys to lost love to lost souls.Anthony’s reputation is based on a legend that credits him with using his spiritual powers to recover items stolen from his monastery. Although Saint Anthony’s assistance may be invoked for anything, his gift for locating the lost has led to his reputation as “the marrying saint.” After all, what is more elusive than true love or a compatible spouse? Consequently, Saint Anthony is invoked in as many love spells as Aphrodite. He may also be petitioned for lost memories or lost powers (speech, mobility, independence). He helps insomniacs find sleep. Petition him to locate missing people or to return run-away brides or grooms. Anthony also allegedly helps women help men find lost potency. He may be petitioned to break the notorious curse cast by aiguillette, which affects male sexual ability, but apparently only if asked to do so by a woman.Saint Anthony is an exceptionally generous spirit and accepts petitions from everyone; however, he is specifically the patron saint of amputees (those who have lost limbs), the oppressed, orphans, Native Americans, those born on a Tuesday or on the thirteenth day of any month, those who have been drafted, expectant mothers, women who are unable to conceive, the elderly, those who work with spices, fishermen, mariners, employees of all aspects of the travel industry, merchants, shopkeepers, and thieves.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Saint Martha became extremely popular in the 12th century. The famous story about her taming the dragon told in the previous entry captured the public imagination. In Spain, by the end of the 12th century, the legend and the saint had transformed: Martha the Meek of Bethany evolved into Martha the Dominator, an erotic, dominatrix spirit invoked in romantic spells and commanding rituals.This was never officially sanctioned and always considered subversive. There are two ways of considering Martha the Dominator: • She is an aggressive aspect of Saint Martha. • She is not Martha of Bethany, but a distinct spirit, possibly a forbidden spirit addressed by the name of an officially approved saint. Although some insist that there is only one Saint Martha, some Martha the Dominator devotees prefer not to consider her a saint—because they believe a saint will not do what Martha the Dominator is asked to do. Even in the 12th century, some perceived the associations between the character in the Gospels and the woman of folklore as tenuous. This Martha, completely divorced from sainthood, is sometimes called Marta la Mala. Martha is requested to bind men just as she bound the tarasque. • Spells attempt to make a man follow the spell caster like an obedient puppy in the way that the tarasque followed Martha.

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Saint Christopher, patron saint of travelers, provides safety when you are away from home. Once among the most famous Christian saints, he was removed from the official Vatican roster of saints for lack of historical verification. However, he remains among the chief miracle-working guardian saints and his popularity is undiminished.Saint Christopher is an extremely generous and ecumenical saint. Many non-Christians sport his medals, too, and claim beneficial results. Many people make sure to gaze upon his image as soon as they arise in the belief that he guarantees a day without death, sudden or otherwise.In addition to providing protection against the dangers of the road, Christopher is a healer, counted among the Fourteen Holy Helpers. He protects against sudden death from infections, epidemics, plagues, and contagious illness. Saint Christopher also protects against nightmares. He heals and guards against earaches.

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Are you desperate? Does your cause or quest seem utterly lost and bereft of hope? Does whatever you require to remedy your situation or make you happy seem like an impossibility? If you don’t know where to turn and you have doubts that anyone or anything can help, it may be time to invoke Saint Jude, the patron of hopeless causes and desperate people.Saint Jude is the saint of impossible cases. He can cure the incurable, grants the impossible, and favors the needy. All that he ask in return is that you make a public notice of how he has answered your prayer. He is the tireless champion of the needs of others.Ask Saint Jude for whatever you need. He is traditionally invoked to heal illness, break addictions, provide release from imprisonment, and grant safety from danger. He reunites families, locates missing persons, and rescues from financial disaster.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Saint Sebastian (died c. 288) joined the Roman army and quickly rose through the ranks. It is unclear when he converted to Christianity; in some versions of his tale, he specifically enlisted so that he would be able to comfort Christians. Regardless of ulterior motivation, he proved to be an excellent soldier. He was a great favorite of Emperor Diocletian, who promoted him to captain of the guard. Saint Sebastian offers protection from epidemics and plagues. He was identified as a savior during the Black Death era and is now invoked to provide healing miracles for those suffering from AIDS. He is invoked for luck and good fortune. He is syncretized to the orisha/orixa Ochossi, because they share associations with arrows, trees, and imprisonment. Saint Sebastian is called by archers; athletes; soldiers. Since the 19th century, Sebastian has been the unofficial patron saint of gay artists, writers, and poets in particular, and of gays and lesbians in general.

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Saint Expedite is the spirit of speedy deliveries and quick solutions. He despises delay. He is the lord of fast action. If things are going too slowly—if something is mired in red tape, bureaucracy, or other delay—ask Saint Expedite to slice through the obstacles and deliver a solution now. Among his specialties is speeding up legal proceedings. He is the saint of emergencies, the spirit to turn to when there is no time to wait. Although some believe him to be an unofficial saint, in fact, Saint Expedite is very official, albeit from a time before documentation was required. While details of his past are vague, they are no more so than those of many other early saints. And although Saint Expedite was removed from the official calendar roll of Roman Catholic saints, so were Saint Barbara, Saint Christopher, and many other still-popular saints.People he favours are merchants; navigators; students; those in need of speedy solutions; those expected to deliver speedy solutions; computer programmers; hackers.Once the request has been granted by the saint, make the promised offering as soon as possible. Remember to set out fresh flowers along with any other items. After a few days dispose of any perishable offerings. Traditionally they can be left at the steps of a Catholic church, at a crossroads, or at the foot of a tree.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Saint Joseph, husband of Mary and thus the stepfather or adoptive father of Jesus, is among the most beloved of all Christian saints. Information on his life derives from the Gospels and from apocryphal texts.Saint Joseph is an extremely versatile saint and considered exceptionally generous. Devotees claim that he can fulfill any request. According to a Sicilian legend, Saint Peter was once busy and requested that Saint Joe guard Heaven’s gates for a little while. Saint Peter had to hurry back, because Saint Joseph let everyone in. An alternative version describes how Saint Joseph, the carpenter, built a ladder so that souls denied admission by Peter could climb in through the window. Saint Joseph is traditionally petitioned for anything having to do with paternity or the home.It is traditionally believed that even if he is inclined to fulfill your petitions, you must first give to the poor before receiving Joseph’s favors and blessings.He is invoked for protection , a happy death , to find a job, sell a home , to end famine , in cases of doubt and hesitation and for married couples.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

No figure in Catholic Christianity is surrounded by more mystery and confusion than that most obscure of saints, Saint Cyprian. Though he was one of the little known saints, Saint Cyprian was considered the unofficial patron of pagans, magicians, and necromancers for many centuries. Eventually, however, he was removed from the official calendar of Catholic feasts. Despite this apparent demotion, Saint Cyprian continues to attract a strong following and to captivate the mind of those who see him as a point of synthesis between the religion of the church and the forbidden.Saint Cyprian is all-powerful. There is little he cannot do or provide. He is invoked for healing and to locate missing persons and goods, whether lost or stolen. In certain folk traditions, he is petitioned to acquire werewolf skills. Those in any of the occult fields may consider him their patron and may request his assistance in any situation, even the most mundane. Cyprian protects magical practitioners, but he also protects against them. Cyprian’s associations with magic are unofficial. The Church acknowledges his renunciation of sorcery, but not his posthumous backsliding. Before his conversion, Saint Cyprian allegedly had a host of demons serving as his personal army. Ayprian is now invoked to banish unwanted or dangerous spirits. Invoking his name is allegedly sufficient to send mid-level evil entities packing. A magical oil that reputedly contains and transmits the essence of Saint Cyprian’s powers is a frequent ingredient in magic spells for many purposes.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle