Hoodoo or Conjure Oils

Hoodoo Oils

Welcome to the Hoodoo Oil page where you will find different kind of Hoodoo and Conjure Oils for all your needs. From Luck ,Love, Revenge to Lifting Curses or if you are looking for Luck in a hurry all can be found here. Please keep in mind all these oils on sale are for a 10ml bottle. Oils are for external use only.

How to Use Hoodoo or Magikal Oils?

Hoodoo Oils or Conjure Oils can be used primarily with Candles. Choose a candle of an appropriate colour from the following table

white -- spiritual blessings, purity, healing, rest
blue -- peace, harmony, joy, kindly intentions, healing
green -- money spells, gambling luck, business, a good job, good crops
yellow -- devotion, prayer, money (gold), cheerfulness, attraction
red -- love spells, affection, passion, bodily vigour
pink -- attraction, romance, clean living
purple -- mastery, power, ambition, control, command
orange -- change of plans, opening the way, prophetic dreams
brown -- court case spells, neutrality
black -- repulsion, dark thoughts, sorrow, freedom from evil

Keep in mind White in the universal substitute for all other colours if you cant get a specific colour. Also before using your candle you can sprinkle little bit of salt water on the candle praying so that any negativity be removed from the candle before you use the candle in your spell.

Inscribe the name of the person or your name if the candle is for you on the candle wax with a toothpick then write the purpose on the candle with the date of birth or sun sign symbol of the person if possible. The Magikal purpose can be as simple as "I have a lot of luck" or "My soulmate comes to me!".

Once the candle has been carved drop few drops of the apporpriate Hoodoo Oil on your hand and annoint the candle.For things you want to attract into your life like money,luck or a lover stroke the candle towards yourself and if you want to push something away from your life then stroke the candle away from you for example cursings, revenge, poverty, a bad person.

When trying to draw something in your life try to do the ritual during the waxing phase of the moon that is from New Moon to Full Moon and if you want to push something away from your life then do the ritual during the waning phase of the moon from Full Moon to New Moon.

Using Condition Oils with Spiritual Baths

You can put nine drops of the Hoodoo Oil in a tub of water and air dry the water on your body. Keep in mind spiritual baths are different than physical bath because in spiritual bath you are not supposed to use soap and wipe your body with towel as this will negate the affect of the oil. It is recemmened to have a normal bath first and then you can try the spiritual bath. You also put a little bit of oil on your wrist, behind each ear, over the heart and on the bottom of each foot. Make sure to do a sensitivity test on a small patch of skin on your body before putting lot of oils.

Using Hoodoo Condition Oils for Clever Tricks

Hoodoo Oils can be used to affect people without them even knowing about it. These oils can be used on things that your tarket will come in contact with. Keep in mind whenever you use the oils you shake them and do a small prayer or petition to tell the oil what needs to be done as just putting the oils blindly will not do the job.

For Example

Your tenant is giving you a hard time and is not leaving your property so you can put command or compel oil or essence of bend over oil on your hands and touch your tenant or put few drops of it in his or her shoes and mentally command him to get out of your property and then tell him to leave.

There are no limits on how you can use these oils as the possibilities are endless. You can always mix and match more than one Hoodoo oils to get a desired affect. For example for a Female or a Gay person to pick up easy men on bars you can dab a bit of "Follow me Boy Oil" or "Essence of Bend Over Oil" with "Fast Luck Oil" and touch the appropriate person or just wear it to get the job done.


Follow Me Boy Oil said to make a man follow you like a dog.Follow Me Boy is used by strong women to attract, dominate, and hold a man. It is a commanding oil of sexual nature. Gay men say it'll make a tough, manly man do their bidding. It can be anointed on the vulva from perineum to clitoris as this draws the person closer.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Follow Me Boy Girl said to make a women follow you like a dog.Follow Me Boy is used by strong men to attract, dominate, and hold a man. It is a commanding oil of sexual nature.This oil is designed to enable a man or a lesbian woman to dominate and control a female lover.It can be anointed on the penis from tip to root as this draws the person closer.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Gay Love Oil is used to invoke passion and loving kindness in lesbians and gay men. This oil is not used to find one night stands or just sex. This oil is used to bring true, passionate, same-sex love.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Come To Me is an old hoodoo formula for oil which is designed to use in love spells that draw a lover of the opposite sex closer. This oil is usually used when the lover is someone the practitioner knows, but they are may also be employed to attract a new or unknown lover, to draw him or her to one "out of the universe," as it were

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Happy Marriage Oil is used by couples to maintain a happy married life

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Jezebel Root is also well known in older lore as a root of particular boon to prostitutes. For them, it was held that the root possessed magical properties that would aid greatly in attracting wealthy and generous customers. Its other uses have expanded into people of other vocations however, particularly among those who rely upon tips from men to supplement their income.This oil is for women who want to feel powerful and alluring. It helps when looking for a mate to ensure he has some money! Perfect for women whose profession is entertaining men or working for tips; dancers, entertainers, hair dressers, servers, bartenders, etc. This will enhance your sexual appeal in order to entice men to spend more!

Rs.700/- for 10 ml bottle

Kama Sutra Oil is used for hot passionate sex or when you are looking for one. This oil is not intended for love but pure lust and pleasure. This oil can also be used to put passion into a relationship that has been relatively sexless. Use this oil to atttract sex partners , Stir up passion in others as well as increase sex appeal.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Kiss Me Quick Oil is designed to bring about immediate sexual luck. This oil is usually used when a person wishes to have a loving good time, whether or not the liaison is expected to result in a long-term relationship.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Reconciliation Oil to forgive and forget past problems, fights, and break-ups, to fall in love again. This formula, which contains genuine Balm of Gilead, which is said to draw estranged lovers together, even when only one partner seeks Reconciliation and is also used to heal a broken heart.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Look Me Over Oil is used to attract the visual admiration of men and draws attention to you just anoint yourself to increase desirability among those you already know. Look Me Over oil can also be used commercially, on goods for sale, and for items that are available for resumes, bussiness cards , rent, lease, or hire to make them look more attractive.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Return to Me Oil is  popular to bring back a friend or lover who has walked out or left. This oil can be used to compel a lost loved one to return with an open heart.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Stay With Me Oil are alleged to hold the lover you have and to ensure marital fidelity.Stay With Me oil is used in love spells that are believed to keep one's mate from wandering, engaging in adultery, or even going out on the road alone.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Sugar Daddy Oil works powerfully to draw generous and rich men or women that will admire you, respect you and shower you with money. This oil primarily has two uses first make a man spend money on you and second  to make a generous men fall in love with you. This oil is used if someone specifically is looking for a wealthy lover.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle


Vervain and other aromatic grasses found in Southeast Asia comes together in this powerful all purpose oil which is designed to clear away evil, provide magical protection, open the road to new prospects, change bad luck to good, and empower amulets and charms and strengthen the power of the user.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Cinnamon and other lucky ingrediants comes together in this oil which is designed to attract luck to you fast. This Lucky oil blend is used for fast, lucky outcomes with money, gambling and love.Dress red candles with Fast Luck Oil and burn them in a candle holder placed on top of lottery tickets for good luck with your numbers. Put a bit of Fast Luck Oil on a handkerchief and use this to wipe your hands just before rolling dice or playing cards for good luck at gambling.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Red Fast Luck isn’t fast enough? Turn it into Double Fast Luck Oil! Double Fast Luck Oil is used exactly like Red Fast Oil, however it allegedly produces twice the effects at double speed. Double Fast Luck combines the colors green and red. Traditionally red represents luck and life, while green represents growth and prosperity. However, modern associations factor into this oil’s power as well. Green and red have evolved into Christmas colors: the goal of this oil is to make every day seem like Christmas. It is an excellent device for shopkeepers and manufacturers who’d like to maintain those Christmas Eve level sales throughout the entire year.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle


Commanding oil are said to give the power to bring another under your command. Commanding Oil helps people of authority to lead, dominate, and otherwise direct those around them. Use this oil to command resepect on a job , commanding a over or for commanding respect at a meeting with a superior or for any situation where you need a commanding authority over others.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Compelling oil is usually recommended for cases of a broken promise, or money that is owed to you. Compelling oil is useful when dealing with a person that will not keep his or her word to you.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Controlling oil are alleged to grant the user control over the actions and thoughts of another person.It is used to control another person or a situation.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Essence Of Bend Oil is used by those who wish to impose their will upon others. This oil is used to " RULE AND HAVE YOUR WAY" under any circumstances no matter what. This oil is used To Dominate, Subjugate, and Rule your Lover, Boss, Family Member, Friend, or Rival. The strongest of the commanding oils. Use this formula when a compelling or commanding oil will just not do the trick! Essence of Bend Over is known to be the most intimate, and binding of the Commanding formulas.

Rs.600/- for 10 ml bottle

I Dominate My Man Oil is used by women who want all the power in the relationship and used in attempts to gain complete mental control of a male lover.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

I Dominate My Woman Oil is used by men who want all the power in the relationship and used in attempts to gain complete mental control of a female lover.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Boss Fix Oil is used if your boss is not treating you right, this is the formula for you. It is designed to give the employee a little more leverage in the workplace with the boss, and to "fix" a boss who is being unfair, holding out on promotions, holding up raises, etc.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle


Abramelin oil is a ceremonial magical oil blended from aromatic plant materials. Its name came about due to its having been described in a medieval grimoire called The Book of Abramelin written by Abraham the Jew. The recipe is adapted from the Jewish Holy anointing oil of the Tanakh, which is described in the Book of Exodus attributed to Moses. It is used in evocation of spirits and high or ceremonial magikal arts.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Astral Travel Oil is designed to aid in Astral Travelling. Anoint the stomach , wrists, back of the neck and forehead then lie down and visualize yourself astral projecting.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Benzoin , Frankincense and other herbs are used in this Blessing Oil can be used to purify yourself or your home, to relieve suffering and bring spiritual healing to one who is troubled in mind or body, and to invoke Heaven's favour on new ventures. Anoint the base of the skill, where the skull joins the spinal column for healing, power-enhancing, and other life-changing magic spells; use your palm and make a massage-like squeezing-rubbing motion, end with an upward brush of the palm.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Psychic Vision is for developing and increasing the ability to use the sixth sense.This oil can be used to annoint the third eyes to enhance spiritual insight and induce prophetic dreams. This oil is perfect before doing any kind of divination work like tarot or runes.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Aura Suavis Oil is used to balance ones's energies and aura when there isa disbalance. This oil is extremely good for people who works with energies.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Spirit Guide Oil encourages the coming-forth of helpful, beneficent spirits.Trance mediums, psychic readers, and spiritualists often work with the assistance of Spirit Guides who bring them messages from the other realms. These guides may be the spirits of ancestors, of the dead, of animals, or discarnate entities who never lived on Earth. Spirit Guide Oil is formulated for spiritualists from herbs and roots long held to be effective aids to establishing the aethyric vibrations conducive to attracting helpful Spirit Guides.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle


Binding Oil oil will assist you in your Binding spells.Whether you are binding for protection from someone or binding someone from hurting themselves this oil will get the job done! It can be used on any form of binding spell, use with caution!! This oil is specially blended for the task at hand by myself and blessed.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Banishing Oil is used to remove unwanted people or conditions from one's life. This is oil is used when banishing is required on a milder level.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Hot Foot Oil is a stronger version of Banishing Oil and is used to remove unwanted people or conditions from one's life permanently. This oil is should not be used on self.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Run Devil Run Oil is similar to the formula for Hot Foot Oil but their function is different Run Devil Run Oil drives away devils -- that is, evil people and evil spirit which is something a bit different. For instance, you may want a co-worker to leave, so your friend can get the job that would open up. That's a Hot Foot case, not one for Run Devil Run. Run Devil Run Oil is primarily used for situations in which one is experiencing long-term bad luck, negative presences in the home, nightmares, depression, and when one is under psychic or spiritual attack. when one is experiencing long-term bullying or harassment. Run Devil Run recipes are not gentle as this is not a "banishment with blessings" but rather a "get the fuck out"-recipe. Show caution when using it to banish people. If a person has done you no wrong but you know that they need to be out of your life, then please do not use Run Devil Run rather use a more gentle banishing formula. Run Devil Run should only be used against people who do wish you harm and people who are pure evil. This oil is should not be used on self.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Stop Gossip Oil is used for silencing big mouthed, backbiting, shit talkers. We all know the type, the jealous naysayers and gossips who have nothing better to do than talk about others. When you come across those who can't keep out of your business and spread lies, or slander your name grab a bottle of Shut Your Mouth!!! and make em do just that! Dress their keyboard or phone with this oil. Is someone in the home spreading nasty rumors about you? Put a few drops in their laundry to get them to shut up !!

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle


Crown Of Success oil is used by many people to bring success in financial, school, or career matters. It is used prior to any school work or writing to successfully and eloquently communicate with others or when appearing for an interview or any other project.
Anoint the head only: place oil on thumb, index, and middle fingers of dominant hand. Starting at the bridge of the nose, brush outward, above and parallel to the eyebrows, with thumb and middle finger, then brush upward from the bridge of the nose along midline of scalp with index finger.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Crucible Of Courage oil is alleged to increase one's personal determination, courage, and bravery. This oil Crucible of Courage oil is worn by when facing a situation or condition that calls for a heightened response of personal power or that represents an ordeal trial of some sort, whether physical, emotional, legal, medical, or spiritual.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Attraction Oil his used is worn when looking for a mate. Anoint on your forehead,below the heart and above the naval. It is said that this oil will help to give you a more magnetic personality if a few drops are added to the bath water once a week. Said to help attract good luck when annointed in the shoes. This oil is used to attract anything that the user of this oil wants be it Power, Favors, Love, Money, and Gifts. The Difference between Attraction and Lodestone Oil is that Lodestone Oil is used to feed other magents or lodestones which are used in magic and spells to increase their attraction power. Can also be applied to your money, wallet or cash register.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Lodestone Oil his used is regarded as a all-around Good Luck Charm because of its Magnetic Influences which are supposed to attract Power, Favors, Love, Money, and Gifts. It is also used to feed magnets and lodestones if you are using one currently to attact something in your life so they will work harder for you.Can also be applied to your money, wallet or cash register.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Victory Oil used when seeking triumph over rivals or enemies as well as to emerge victorious when the odds are againts you.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

John the Conqueror Oil has no equal. It is used for Drawing Luck, gaining Mastery, and Strengthening Male Nature.High John Root oil is perfect for money attraction,success, love, protection from and break hexes and crossings, and to enhance attributes of other herbs as well. Associated with fire and Mars.

Rs.700/- for 10 ml bottle

King Solomon Wisdom oil is by those who wish to increase mental powers, enable wise decsion-making, aid leadership qualities, and bring about excellence at acdemic studies and test-taking.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Master Oil is used for overcoming enemies , obstacles and for enhancing leadership skills and personal power and abilities.Master Oil is that ineffable combination of talent, skill, personal discipline, and leadership ability that enables you to rise to the top of your field or profession, and to become a guide to those who follow you.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Court Case Oil is a magical oil which can be used to turn all judgments in your favor as well as bring good luck in any legal matters.

Rs.600/- for 10 ml bottle


Healing Oil is used for relief of sickness and sorrow; to mend emotional and physical problems. Healing Oil can be used together with Reconciliation, Return To Me, and Peaceful Home Oils to mend family and love relationships in which anger or distance have broken the bonds of affection, especially when one partner is carrying a grudge that seems like a wound that will not heal.Even people with long-standing money woes have been known to add Healing products to their Money Drawing supplies, as a way to repair their own negative attitudes toward prosperity. Healing oils are not a substitute for any form of medical treatment but it can be used along with medical supervision to fasten the healing process.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Clarity Oil is used when situations and conditions are confused, muddled, and difficult to perceive, hoodoo practitioners rely on Clarity Oil to open their eyes - and the eyes of their clients - to the truth. This is oil is used to gain clear insight and clear away mental blockages.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Hyssop , Agrimony and other powerful uncrossing herbs are used in this oil to take off curses, jinxes, and crossed conditions, to restore good luck and change bad luck to good, for personal protection and spiritual house cleansing.  Also used to anoint an Uncrossing Candle.Uncrossing Oil is used by people who believe that they have been Cursed or Crossed in luck, career, or money matters.To remove all types of hexes, curses and crossed conditions, add 9 drops of Uncrossing to your bath water for nine consecutive days.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Cast Off Evil Oil are alleged to rid yourself or those you love of bad habits and to break links to bad companions. This oil removes negative influences, break bad habits and addictions, drive away evil, and free your children and loved ones from the influence of "bad company."

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Road Opener is a powerful spiritual aid when trying to clear away remnants of past blockages, set-backs, or slow-downs. It is used to open the door to a better future, both when remedying crossed conditions and when embarking upon new venture. Use this oil that will open roads for you and for all things in your life.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Cut & Clear Oil is designed to separate people from difficult relationships or bad habits by breaking ties to the past.They can be used to get over a failed love affair or a period of bad luck, so you can stop obsessing about "what might have been" and happily meet the better future that's in store for you. The oil is used as a sissor to cut the ties of the past and open the door to a better future.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Reversing Oil is used as a more final and more effective than just cleansing, if you actually have an enemy. It teaches the enemy a lesson that he or she truly deserves to learn. Situations vary a lot, but speaking only for myself, the more persistently someone tries to hurt me, the more i want to send back to them exactly what they put on me. And i think that's a pretty common attitude.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Uncrossing Love Oil is used to clear issues from past painful relationships, or in magic to work through issues around lovability or when you think that you cursed or unlucky especially in the field of love.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle


Money Drawing has been reputed to attract income, wealth, and riches to the user of this oil.Business owners, investors, gamblers, and job employees - everyone could use more money! This oil is made from authetic money drawing herbs and roots which are reputed to attract money and riches. Can be applied to your money, wallet or cash register. 

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Shi Shi Oil has earned a reputation for putting poverty on the run and attracting wealth to the wearer fast. It's used to reverse unharmonius atmospheres. It also can be used to invoke good luck. This is used if things just are not going your way.or you have to have some sort of positive luck.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Pay Me Oil is used when attempting to get back money that is owed and the fortune you deserve. This oil can be employed with salary problems , money defaulters or any other similar money related issues.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Money Stay With Me Oil is used to by those who wish to stabilize their bank accounts, save up money for a large purchase, or simply get ahead of the monthly grind of cashing paychecks only to immediately pay the bills and be left flat. Use this oil to dress your money to help it from slipping through your fingers by excessive spending and unnecessary expenses.Can be applied to your money, wallet or cash register. 

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle


Dragon's Blood Oil aids in protection, adds potency, adds strength and power to magick and spells, aids in love spells, good protection, used during exorcisms, restores and strengthens sexual potency, dispels negativity, aids in exorcising evil supernatural entities, used during spell casting and invoking spirits, used in purification, and cleansing.

Rs.600/- for 10 ml bottle

Protection Oil is a mild version of Fiery of Wall Protection Oil which is regarded as the Ultimate Protection Oil but when protection is needed on a much lower level then this is the oil to use. 

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Fiery Wall Of Protection is the powerhouse oil brings in the strongest protective elements available.Use Fiery Wall of Protection as a barrier against any unknown or known attacks, by sealing windows and doors with a dab in each corner and in the center. Anoint your pulse points, the base of your skull, your solar plexus chakra, and the soles of your feet to don powerful spiritual armor. Dress a vigil light or oil lamp with Fiery Wall of Protection and set it working to keep a guardian flame warding your home at all times. Put a few drops into an oil diffuser, and let it's potent energy fill your entire dwelling space, making an impermeable wall against negativity. Simply pray or speak your petition when applying it.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Safe Travel Oil is usually used by a traveller to anoint his or her personal belongings and vehicle, and may also be applied as a dressing oil to candles that are burned by those who stay at home and await the traveller's safe return. Those who place talismans and amulets in a vehicle may derive benefit from lightly anointing these things with Safe Travel Oil at the beginning of a journey.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Restful Sleep Oil is used to by people who have difficult time sleeping or have irregular sleep.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Law Keep Away Oil containing appropriate herbs, and oils valued for generations to protect you legally, to confuse those who would come after you. This oil is used when you wish to conduct your business in private and to avoid contact with the IRS, Police, INS, Collection Agencies, Social Services, Sheriff, or DEA.

Rs.600/- for 10 ml bottle

Peaceful Home Oil is said to calm family members and bring peace and happiness to the home.Peaceful Home Oil put an end to strife in the home and settle conditions so that every family member is contented and co-operative.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle


Crossing Oil is used for cursing an enemy and ruin their lives.Dress black genital candles to cross up someone's nature so they can no longer perform sexually. Dab some oil on the handles to their car doors so they get all crossed up the moment they touch it. Make sure to buy some Uncrossing Oil to cleanse yourself after handling this oil. It's powerful and extremely negative, so you'll want to clean up after you're done. Not to be used on self.

 Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Confusion Oil is use to create confusion in your enemies. Befuddle them and throw them off their tracks with this condition oil. Cleanse yourself with Uncrossing Herb Bath after using this oil to make sure its chaotic energy doesn't stick to you.Make sure to buy some Uncrossing Oil to cleanse yourself after handling this oil. Not to be used on self.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Couchgrass and other herbs are used in his oil is designed to cause pain and anger between a couple and force them to break up, divorce, or stop seeing one another. They can be used to break up a couple you hate, to destroy your own marriage or, as is most often the case, to cause your spouse to stop seeing an outside lover. Anoint a candle and burn for seven days with the Oil and write the names of the two people on parchment paper whom you would like to break up. Place the parchment paper under the candle and concentrate on your desires as the candle burns.Not to be used on self.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Inflammatory Confusion is used to confuse one's enemies, make them fight among themselves, and to break them up. Inflammatory Confusion Oil would be recommended in cases where one faces two or more enemies who wish do do evil to one and in cases where one wants to break-up a partnership, be it a romantic relationship, business relationship, or merely a friendship. Inflammatory Confusion is similar to Confusion Oil and Break Up Oil in the sense that they work to confuse the minds of one's enemies with the addition of causing heated arguments, misunderstandings, and may even provoke physical violence between the enemies or people for whom the work is being done on. It is not uncommon for the people being worked on to "come to blows" when under the effects of Inflammatory Confusion Oil, and especially so if the people are men. 

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Restless Oil is used to bring nervousness, discomfort , bad sleep and other mental ailments on a person. Can be combined with other formulas to torment an uncooperative person into compliance.Not to be used on self.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Damnation Oil are utilized when cursing a wrong-doer to suffer in Hell for his or her crimes. This oil is also used to cause distress to your enemies.Not to be used on self.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Black Arts Oil is used for cursing an enemy , casting destructive spells and for summonin dark spirits. Dress a black skull candle with Black Arts Oil, dust it with graveyard dirt and burn it on top of a photo of your enemy to haunt them with evil spirits.Dress your enemy's doorknob with Black Arts Oil to cause hex him with misfortune and ghosts. Use Black Arts Oil to summon spirits of the dead in graveyard workings. Black Arts oil is used for some of the darkest and most harmful of spells, as well as in the necromantic arts of spirit summoning. 

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

D.U.M.E. (Death Unto My Enemies Oil) is a serious cursing formula that is used in the same manner as Crossing Oil and other products of that kind. D.U.M.E. oil can be used to dress black candles, to anoint doll-babies, to smear on door handles that a person touches, to sprinkle on someone's vehicle tires, to mix with dirt and sprinkle in a person's path. D.U.M.E is used to bring complete destruction and death of one's enemies. Keep in mind D.U.M.E. oil should not be used for silly and trivial revenge purposes. D.U.M.E. oil is used for when someone needs to die, as in with regard to a child molester, serial rapist, serial killer. It can be used offensively or defensively, but given the power and intent of this oil, be prepared for the consequences should you choose to use it offensively and without justification.This oil is not used on self and always use uncrossing oil after using this oil or after doing malevolent intent works.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle

Necromancy Oil is used in Necromantic Rituals where the communication with spirits of the dead needs to be established.This oil contains herbs, roots, curios and remains to empower and strengthen your own workings and help you develop powerful relationships with those on the other side.

Rs.500/- for 10 ml bottle